Taamin is a study platform that allows to quickly learning the songs of the Torah in 17 small lessons.
You will learn to recognize the signs of music of the Torah, you will definitely know how to follow the hazan at synagogue!
The application currently offers 7 traditions, as well, you will study Sephardic or Ashkenazi traditions.
Choose your tradition!
Set by a professional Hazan, you listen you repeat by observing the signs.
Ideal for the Bar Mitzvah but not only!
The application provides essential tips for learning that has been tested on hundreds of children in the preparation of the Bar Mitzvah. It has fit also for adults eager to discover the traditions and had difficulties by learning this. With this? No difficulty.
Do you dream to learn a different tradition?
You have a wide choice that will evolve in future releases.
You have trouble learning.
Forget it!
You will impress your synagogue by showing them that you too, you know :)
Following the proposed course, you will learn a tradition in just 3 weeks (estimate obtained by most of the users of this method).
It will follow you around with all the reccords inside !!
Enjoy the torah and jewish traditional songs from most of synagogs !
Contents of the application:
- 17 lessons learning exercises.(6 free version)
- 1 special lesson to make the signs with your hand
- Listing of Taamin, Tropes to access that which you is lacking.
- Page of choice active permanently on 7 traditions different whose: Morocco, Tunisia, Constantine, Alger, Yerouchalmi, 2 versions Achkenazes
- Quick search of your lesson of the day
- Drag easy to move from one lesson to another
- Study of groups of Taamin, Tropes
- Each group picture is clickable and corresponds to a single record: there are no two identical registration.
The free version is full of adverdising, get the original version to supress them and enjoy the full lessons !
Taamin adalah platform studi yang memungkinkan untuk cepat belajar lagu-lagu dari Taurat di 17 pelajaran kecil.
Anda akan belajar untuk mengenali tanda-tanda musik dari Taurat, Anda pasti akan tahu bagaimana mengikuti hazan di sinagoga!
Aplikasi ini saat ini menawarkan 7 tradisi, juga, Anda akan mempelajari Sephardic atau Ashkenazi tradisi.
Pilih tradisi Anda!
Ditetapkan oleh Hazan profesional, Anda mendengarkan Anda mengulangi dengan mengamati tanda-tanda.
Ideal untuk Bar Mitzvah tapi tidak hanya!
Aplikasi ini menyediakan tips penting untuk pembelajaran yang telah diuji pada ratusan anak-anak dalam penyusunan Bar Mitzvah. Hal ini telah sesuai juga untuk orang dewasa ingin menemukan tradisi dan memiliki kesulitan dengan belajar ini. Dengan ini? Tidak ada kesulitan.
Apakah Anda bermimpi untuk belajar tradisi yang berbeda?
Anda memiliki berbagai pilihan yang akan berkembang di masa depan rilis.
Anda memiliki kesulitan belajar.
Anda akan terkesan sinagog Anda dengan menunjukkan bahwa Anda juga, Anda tahu :)
Mengikuti kursus yang diusulkan, Anda akan belajar tradisi hanya dalam 3 minggu (estimasi yang diperoleh oleh sebagian besar pengguna metode ini).
Ini akan mengikuti Anda sekitar dengan semua reccords dalam !!
Nikmati Taurat dan lagu-lagu tradisional Yahudi dari sebagian besar synagogs!
Isi aplikasi:
-. 17 pelajaran latihan belajar (6 versi gratis)
- 1 pelajaran khusus untuk membuat tanda-tanda dengan tangan Anda
- Pencatatan Taamin, Tropes untuk mengakses apa yang Anda kurang.
- Halaman pilihan aktif secara permanen pada 7 tradisi yang berbeda yang: Maroko, Tunisia, Constantine, Alger, Yerouchalmi, 2 versi Achkenazes
- Pencarian cepat dari pelajaran hari
- Drag mudah untuk berpindah dari satu pelajaran ke yang lain
- Studi kelompok Taamin, Tropes
- Setiap gambar kelompok dapat diklik dan sesuai dengan satu catatan: tidak ada dua pendaftaran identik.
Versi gratis ini penuh dengan adverdising, dapatkan versi asli untuk menekan mereka dan menikmati pelajaran penuh!
Taamin is a study platform that allows to quickly learning the songs of the Torah in 17 small lessons.
You will learn to recognize the signs of music of the Torah, you will definitely know how to follow the hazan at synagogue!
The application currently offers 7 traditions, as well, you will study Sephardic or Ashkenazi traditions.
Choose your tradition!
Set by a professional Hazan, you listen you repeat by observing the signs.
Ideal for the Bar Mitzvah but not only!
The application provides essential tips for learning that has been tested on hundreds of children in the preparation of the Bar Mitzvah. It has fit also for adults eager to discover the traditions and had difficulties by learning this. With this? No difficulty.
Do you dream to learn a different tradition?
You have a wide choice that will evolve in future releases.
You have trouble learning.
Forget it!
You will impress your synagogue by showing them that you too, you know :)
Following the proposed course, you will learn a tradition in just 3 weeks (estimate obtained by most of the users of this method).
It will follow you around with all the reccords inside !!
Enjoy the torah and jewish traditional songs from most of synagogs !
Contents of the application:
- 17 lessons learning exercises.(6 free version)
- 1 special lesson to make the signs with your hand
- Listing of Taamin, Tropes to access that which you is lacking.
- Page of choice active permanently on 7 traditions different whose: Morocco, Tunisia, Constantine, Alger, Yerouchalmi, 2 versions Achkenazes
- Quick search of your lesson of the day
- Drag easy to move from one lesson to another
- Study of groups of Taamin, Tropes
- Each group picture is clickable and corresponds to a single record: there are no two identical registration.
The free version is full of adverdising, get the original version to supress them and enjoy the full lessons !